So Much News

First off, my debut memoir Being Seen: One Deafblind Woman's Fight to End Ableism is now available for pre-order:

(coming 10/5/21)

I’m so excited to share this book with you. It has been the culmination of a lot of scholarship of mine over the last five years.

But wait, there’s more!

In the spring of 2020 my friend Ibba asked me to write a kids show. We’ve been running episodes over on YouTube!

Pandemic Playhouse:

(first episode launched 1/8/21)

… and yet more.

In January of 2022 I’ll be the Fan Guest of Honor at Arisia! I’m excited to have the opportunity to head to a convention as a Guest of Honor. My co-GOH’s are pretty amazing too:

(announced 1/16/21)

And then sometime in early January I had the misfortune of going viral about Helen Keller. So I wrote about it:

(published 1/17/21)

But of course, somehow things did… not… stop… there. I wrote my first comic! I’m so excited to be working in the Women of Marvel Anthology with an original Peggy Carter story, taking place in World War II:

(announced 1/21/21)

And most recently, I had another tie-in project come out! I had the pleasure of working for Wizards of the Coast as part of their Kaldheim webfiction series!
Even if you’re not a magic fan, are you a fan of guide wolves? Check out “The Saga of Lathril” here:

(published 2/5/21)

Elsa Sjunneson